Masterplan 2045

The Development Plan is a document which sets out the University Campus’ programme of priorities and growth objectives stemming from the joint experience of the University Governance bodies (UCBM) and its institutional promoters and supporters.

Development Plan

International tender “UCBM Masterplan International Design Competition”

The qualitative and quantitative growth of UCBM, a Research University focused on healthcare and environmental sciences, depends on the environmental and infrastructural quality of its facilities. In perfect alignment with the identity and mission of UCBM – founded on the intent to place people at the centre, a vocation for excellence and a spirit of service - CBM SpA has promoted an International tender inviting architects to participate in the “UCBM Masterplan International Design Competition” in order to give a tangible shape to an urban design and an architectural development scheme that is consistent with the University’s values, its growth prospects and the cultural and economic implications for the community (Third Mission).

The “Horti Academici” project elaborated by the Rome-based architectural practice, Labics, in collaboration with the German landscape design firm, Topotek 1, won the UCBM Masterplan International Design Competition on 15 April 2019 with its presentation of a fully integrated and dynamic infrastructure having the capacity to reinforce the dialogue and interdisciplinary activities of the Bio-Medical University Campus of Rome while also valorising the landscape of the Agro Romano area, by repairing the existing urban fabric to facilitate the everyday lives of students, patients, medics, researchers and the city’s inhabitants.


Further information on

Short/medium-term projects

New Learning Centre and Innovative Campus Life Projects

Campus Bio-Medico Spa is currently engaged in the architectural development of new short and medium-term functions amounting to approximately 20,000 sq m for a new learning centre and infrastructures dedicated to interdisciplinary activities and the enhanced quality of campus life, comprising: sports facilities, informal learning areas, a knowledge hub, administrative offices, a simulation centre, accommodation and services.

Long-term projects

Masterplan 2045

By 2045, the Development Project will result in the entire university campus extending over 90 hectares, equivalent to a gross leasable area of 186.000 sq m with a sufficiently adequate growth rate to support the increased offering of academic courses, healthcare and social services, also thanks to a strong bond with the environmental ecosystem (the Decima Malafede Nature Reserve of over 6,000 hectares) and the urban fabric (the Trigoria district on the southern outskirts of Rome).
The new areas, which will complete the existing university campus, will respond to a need to promote and improve campus life, in terms of space, technology, environmental quality and cultural values, by identifying future growth requirements, within the framework of a uniform and consistent design which shapes new functions and relations with the surrounding area, according to a logic of modularity, innovative mobility and economic and environmental sustainability.